IA-58 UNDER VIKING ROAD, Cedar Falls, Iowa

Project Description
PCI served as the General Contractor on this project. Once dubbed one of the “most dangerous roads in Iowa,” the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) developed a design to address the safety issues along Highway 58 at Viking Road in Cedar Falls. The estimated $38 million dollar project consisted of converting an existing at-grade intersection to a grade-separated interchange. The project was fast-tracked to minimize disruption to local businesses.
The old intersection was converted from an “at grade” one to a “grade separated” interchange, with Viking Road crossing over IA 58.
PCI constructed a 7,800-linear ft-long soldier pile and lagging permanent shoring system with 2 to 3 rows of tiebacks. PCI excavated the underpass and placed the bridge beams. PCI installed over 6,000 linear feet of barrier rail.
This was a difficult project with a short working schedule. Hwy 58 traffic was maintained at all times, which required complex staging during the life of the project. IDOT offered PCI two "no excuse" road opening bonuses of $400k, which PCI proudly accepted at the completion of this complex project.